Meet Our Partner Restaurants
inKind has partnered with 1,000+ restaurants and we're just getting started.
Trusted by Top Operators
inKind has earned the trust of best-in-class operators – from multi-unit restaurant groups to independent operators. We've helped our partners serve more guests, open additional locations, purchase real estate, pay off debt and ultimately, run more successful businesses.
inKind should be a part of any restaurant's financing strategy: There's equity, debt, equipment financing, and now, inKind.
Sam Bakhshandehpour
President, Jose Andres Restaurant Group
Former CEO of SBE Lifestyle Hospitality
Success Stories
The Ravenous Pig
The owners of the Ravenous Pig contacted inKind in 2017 to fund the purchase of their new building, but also found a life-long capital partner. inKind has continued to fund the Ravenous Pig over 10 times for multiple projects including renovating the parking lot, launching a beer garden, and marketing during COVID as they iterated to include a general store.
Independent Operator • Winter Park, FL
50 Eggs Hospitality Group
In 2020 50 Eggs Hospitality Group selected inKind to fund the opening of the Yardbird Dallas location. Through inKind's collaborative marketing and House Account program, Yardbird acquired 50,000 new customer contacts and 35 tables that spent nearly $10,000 at Yardbird Dallas' re-opening weekend. 50 Eggs subsequently funded multiple more locations with inKind.
Large Restaurant Group • 15+ Locations Globally
Get in touch
How can inKind take your restaurant(s) to the next level? Let's chat.
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You're in good company
inkind partners with independent operators and national hospitality groups.
Independent Operators
Two Hands
New York, Austin, Nashville
The Ravenous Pig
Winter Park, Florida
Miami, Washington DC
Bar Zola
Palo Alto, California
Hospitality Groups
MINA Group
6 Locations
Parker Restaurant Group
9 Locations
50 Eggs Hospitality Group
10 Locations
Union Square Hospitality Group
7 Locations