In this episode, Johann Moonesinghe, co-founder and CEO of inKind, shares how his company is empowering restaurants by connecting them with capital, technology, and high-spend guests.
Listeners will learn:
- How Johann’s experiences investing in restaurants and running a restaurant incubator led him to start InKind (01:52)
- The challenges of running restaurants, including the need to be good at everything from procurement to marketing (07:47)
- How InKind evolved from a restaurant financing company to a consumer marketplace, offering a network-wide loyalty program (14:27)
- The importance of InKind owning and operating its own restaurants to better understand and serve its clients (20:58)
- How InKind’s partnership with restaurateur Michael Mina has shaped the company’s strategy to provide comprehensive support to restaurants (24:27)
- InKind’s commitment to funding independent restaurants, especially those owned by minorities, women, LGBT individuals, or veterans (32:22)